Rotermann Quarter

Duration: 2 hours
Language: English, Finnish, Russian
Group size: max 30

The Rotermann quarter is an example of the symbiosis of contemporary uniquely high-quality architecture and an ensemble of protected 19th century industrial buildings. Inside former mills, and grain and flour processing buildings there is now a picturesque array of restaurants, shops, offices and apartments. The tour starts with an introduction to 20th century Estonian architecture in the former salt storage that houses the Museum of Estonian Architecture. The tour then continues through the adventurous contemporary modifications of the industrial buildings.


Rotermann department store and apartment houses. AB Kosmos, 2005–2007. Photo Martin Siplane, MEA


Carpenter’s workshop. KOKO architects, 2006–2009. Photo Kaido Haagen, MEA


    Opening times:
    Tue – Sun 11 a.m – 6 p.m
    Mon closed

    !!! May 1st – museum is closed !!!


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