Open today 11–18

Make do with now. New Directions in Japanese Architecture

In the main hall of the Rotermann Salt storage, we will present a group exhibition of Japan’s youngest generation of architects who do not quite conform to the Western idea of Japanese architecture. Going beyond the form-based approach that usually adorns the pages of European and North American architectural magazines, the exhibition rather presents offices related to society and the environment, which are not afraid to leave unfinished corners in their work.

The exhibition focuses on a young and lesser-known circle of architects who started their professional work after the shocks of 2011, when the Tohoku earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear disaster took place. They have turned their backs on the usual image of the architect-author and discovered for themselves the magic of working together, designing from the grassroots level and new roles that have not been considered important in the planning process until now.

Exhibition of the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum, adapted by the Estonian Museum of Architecture

The exhibition is accompanied by series of lectures and workshops:

  • On Saturday, January 20th at 4 p.m Yuma Shinohara (S AM) will hold a curator-tour, it is in English.

Yuma Shinohara (S AM)

Studio Gross – Anne Gross, Sebastian Gross

Go Itami

Scenographic Concept:
Yusuke Seki Studio

Exhibition Design in Tallinn: Tomomi Hayashi, Erina Shibagaki (HGA)

Graphic Design: 75w Studio – Tilmann S. Wendelstein; Robi Jõeleht

Translation: Refiner

Supporters: Cultural Endowment of Estonia and Japan Foundation