Open today 11–18


Eesti arhitektuuriajakiri Maja kevad 2021 (nr 104)Estonian Architectural Review Maja spring 2021 (No 104)



Main topic: What’s Happening?
Amidst the pandemic, everyone is eagerly awaiting for a springtime wind of change, and the question ‘what’s happening?’
has acquired a deeper meaning. The spring issue of Maja takes a tour around Estonia—we will examine buildings
in Tartu, Narva, Saue and Pärnu. We conclude our tour near the heart of Estonia, at lake Kamari in Põltsamaa. For several
of the examined buildings, alternative designs were initially proposed, and it took many years to arrive at the project
that was ultimately built. Despite (or thanks to?) the elongated process, these buildings vividly express something characteristic
of our times and manage to spatialise important aspects of what’s currently happening.

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